Rate Wizard
The Rate Wizard is our Calendar Based Wizard which gives you a view of your rates and availability per room type in a calendar view, making it easier than ever to quickly see and edit your rates based on dates.
Click on the 'Rate Wizard' button on the upper right-hand corner of the GRID. The Rate Wizard will allow you to choose the year and the room type from pull-downs on the upper right. Once you select the room type you would like to edit; the calendar will display the rates per night in the calendar date cells. Simply click in the cells and edit rates, and tab through each cell until you are done. Click 'Update,' and your rates will be updated. You can select different months in the left navigation month list.
We have made it extremely easy for you to Block and Unblock Room Types for sale within Rate Wizard. If you need to block a room type for sale on a particular date, simply right-click and select 'Block.' Cells that are colored Blue denote that that room type is blocked for that night. To unblock, right-click a blocked room and click 'Unblock.' Cells that are colored Red denote that that room type has zero availability.
To exit from the Rate Wizard, click on the 'X' or click Cancel.