How to choose the BEST Website Design & Development Company for your hotel?


In need of a website design and development company for your hotel business? Learn the process of choosing the best website development company according to your needs and budget in this blog. 

  1. What to look for when choosing the best website development company for your hotel 
  2. Prepping before asking questions
  3. How to ask the right questions to choose the best website development company

Let's dive in!

Currently, having a solid online presence is a necessity. As a result, websites create a massive difference for businesses. As technology takes over the world, websites become the face of the business.

According to Statista, there were more than 5 billion internet users as of April 2022, which comprises 63.1% of the global population.

People judge businesses based on their website design and development. So having a top-notch website is very, very important. Ensure you have a reliable website development company to improve your brand image, visibility, and ROI.

So the biggest question is, how do you choose the best website development company in such a saturated market?

This blog will cover the process of choosing the best website development company for your hotel business.

What to Look for When You Choose the Best Website Development Company for Your Hotel?

Thing to look when you choose a website design company

Industry Experience

The website development industry is extensive. Each company specializes in various different fields.

Make sure to examine the work a company has done for other hotels.

The hotel industry is different from any other industry; you need a company that specializes in website design and development for hotel websites.

Work Principles

Principles play a very crucial role in shaping a person or a company. The company should have adequate work principles, which makes them reliable and efficient.

If the company has work principles, they will drive high-quality results in a timely manner. 


Flexibility is imperative. When you choose the best website development company for your hotel, you may have many different opinions and thoughts.

Therefore, the company must be flexible in making the changes without hassle.

The Art of Communication

A functional business depends on strong communication. Businesses can only run sufficiently with an effective communication system.

They should be able to clearly communicate with their client and their project management team to comprehend the client's needs and deliver what is promised.

You need to ensure they will keep you notified of the status of your project and that they will respond to your queries immediately.

Ability to Think Creatively

To make an impression online, the website development company must be able to implement creative strategies that can make your website stand out.

Choose a company with a group of designers and developers who can see your vision and develop innovative ideas and solutions to issues if you want to improve client retention rates and leave a lasting impression online.

Read: Is it worth paying a huge amount to hotel website design companies?

Don't Forget This Step Before Asking Questions!

First Things First

First, you should decide what the needs of your hotel website are.

A hotel website has different requirements than any other website; hence you should be ready with what you want.

This way, it can be easier for you and the website development company to work out things.

Go Through The Company’s Website

You may have made a list of website development companies to choose from.

Before interviewing the company, study the website thoroughly and get to know the company better. Do your homework!

Portfolio Is A Must!

Look closely at the company’s portfolio. See whether the company has proper experience in your industry or not.

You can find portfolios on platforms such as Clutch. If the portfolio has a variety of samples, you can examine their live projects, analyze the team's competence, and evaluate their development skills.

It's All About Experience

The experience of website development companies is demonstrated through their projects, clientele, and industries.

Consider companies that have worked predominantly in the hotel industry and have long-term success.

Communication Skills

Communication skills play a vital role in any company.

Analyze the company’s communication skills properly because if there is a communication gap, it will be difficult to succeed.

Don't Skip The Testimonials

What our clients say?

Testimonials are something that gives you an accurate idea of what the company is capable of.

Don’t make the mistake of skipping the testimonials; read them properly, and if needed, contact their clients and get a basic idea.

Read: 6 Common Mistakes Hoteliers Make When Choosing Web Designing Services

How to Ask the Right Questions to Choose the Best Website Development Company for Your Hotel?

Questions to ask while choosing the right website design company

Question 1: What is your website development process?

Every website development company has its own set of procedures. Working with a company involves using highly significant processes.

Get to know them well and find out about their work method first. Then, see if it aligns with your approach.

If it doesn't fit into your work process, try to work with the company to simplify the procedures if you genuinely want to work with them.

This way, you can work things out with the company you want to work with!

Question 2: Are you aware of the special challenges of hotel website development?

Every website caters to different types of people. To grab the attention of your target audience, you need a website that offers everything.

You need a highly functional hotel website to attract the interest of today's technologically savvy travelers; the straightforward websites that many businesses use to create their internet presence will not work for your hotel.

The company you decide to hire for your hotel business must be able to deliver hotel-specific functionalities on the website, such as: 

Question 3: Do you have expertise in SEO Strategies?

Matt Cutts - Quote

“SEO is like a resume, you polish it so you have your best foot forward.”
Matt Cutts

Your website needs to rank highly in online search results to entice today's tech-savvy travelers.

Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to appear higher in search results. 

A web development company specializing in hotel websites will know precisely what strategies to use, in what manner, and to what extent.

The strategies may include:

  • SEO-optimized website content
  • Competitor analysis
  • Keyword research
  • Getting organic backlinks for higher-ranking
  • Social media optimization

Question 4: Will the website be optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile?

Website optimization on desktop, tablet, and mobile

Did you know that around 84% of the US population currently uses their mobile device for the internet? 

Smartphones have become the center of everything; travelers mainly use their phones to plan travel and book accommodations.

With this in mind, a responsive website has become a necessity. A responsive website is developed to run seamlessly on all platforms of all sizes, like smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

While you look for the ideal hotel website development company, make sure they can make a smooth, responsive website that doesn’t glitch in different orientations.

Ask if they can make touch-responsive menus, well-spaced buttons and navigation, and user-friendly designs.

Question 5: Do you have expertise in social media marketing?

Social media plays a critical role in today’s digital world. Business owners must ensure that their social media game is on point to excel and make a lasting, positive impression. 

Attracting new clients while keeping existing ones engaged with your profile has become vital.

Maintaining your social media presence becomes difficult; this is where a professional website development company comes in.

A web development company that has experience in handling a hotel’s social media will make campaigns that target your demographic range and will help your business to:

  • Converts more qualified leads
  • Increase inbound traffic 
  • Acquire customer insights
  • Strengthen brand visibility

Question 6: What kind of website traffic analysis do you provide?

When you cater to a specific group, you must know their needs and likes.

When you sign up with the perfect web development company, you will get access to many analytics and figures at your fingertips.

  • Analytics will help you in many ways, such as:
  • Understanding customers better
  • Understanding the ROI of your marketing and social media efforts
  • Knowing your competitors

Analytics can enhance your game and push you towards success and increased ROI.

Question 7: What is the time duration of the project?

Another crucial point is the time duration of the project. When you hire a web development company, you must always keep in mind how much time that company takes to complete your project.

You should know who handles your project and who the main person of contact is if you have questions. 

See if the company you are planning to hire works on multiple projects simultaneously or focuses on one.

If they are focusing on multiple projects, what is your project's priority, and what will be the proper timeline of your project?

To Wrap Things Up!

Now you are ready to choose the best website development company for your hotel business.

In a nutshell, ask questions wisely and consider answers carefully before making your decision.

Contact INNsight for a High-Quality Custom Hospitality Business Website.

With INNsight, you don’t need to spend thousands to see your desired results.  

INNsight will ensure that the website for your hotel, BnB, motel, vacation rental, restaurant, or bar is custom-designed, user-friendly, fully responsive, ADA compliant, and, most importantly, SEO friendly.


Q. How do I choose a website design and development company?

A. Choosing the best website design and development company for your hotel is a big task. You must consider many aspects, like the company's experience, communication skills, portfolio, and more. Ask questions like:

  • Do you have experience working with hospitality businesses? 
  • Does the company handle SEO and social media? 
  • Have you made any responsive websites before?
  • Will you be able to overcome the challenges of hotel website development?

Q. What should I look for on a hotel website?

A. A hotel website is different from other websites that we see online. The functionalities of the hotel website are very different. An ideal hotel website must have easy navigation, smooth elements, web pages like Directions, Things to do, Privacy policy, reservations, and an overview page at the least. When a user is accessing your website, it’s essential that they can find information easily.

Q. What are the design characteristics of the best hospitality websites?

A. Colors, typography, images, simplicity, and usability are all aspects that contribute to effective website design. When creating a website, there are several vital aspects to consider. A well-designed hotel website will establish trust and encourage visitors to book their stay directly.

Q. How can I improve my hotel website?

A. If you want to improve your website, contact the experts at INNsight, who will provide needed changes and offer game-changing suggestions.

Raj Patel
CEO & Founder

Raj Patel, the driving force at INNsight, is changing the game for hotels with his real-world expertise in software and digital marketing. Drawing on his Silicon Valley experience at eBay, Raj keeps things practical. Think of practical tools that work, making hotels shine online and turning digital success for every hotel. Jump on board the INNsight journey, where Raj's hands-on approach brings a touch of reality to revolutionizing the hospitality scene.

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